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Presentation day of the results of the “SMART TOURIST” operation

On Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 16:00, in the Auditorium of the Physiotherapy Department of the University of Thessaly, in the SEY Building, at the 3rd km of the Old Lamia-Athens National Road, in Lamia, the Department of Informatics with Applications in Biomedicine and the Department of Physiotherapy , organizes a Conference entitled “SMART TOURIST: Smart Research Infrastructures for Accessible and Healthy Human-Centered Cultural-TOURISTIC Development in Central Greece”.
The purpose of the “INTELLIGENT TOURIST” project is the development of research infrastructures, which will strengthen research and innovation in the field of culture and tourism in Central Greece, focusing on people, in order to create the conditions for scientific excellence at a global level and innovative business activity in the area.
The project is based on an entirely innovative concept, which puts the most advanced artificial intelligence technologies at the service of culture and tourism. Specifically, it installs computing infrastructures, and infrastructures for monitoring the health and well-being of tourists for the development of smart services, which will serve tourism by offering:
– Enhanced web browsing experience
– Enhanced experience of using tourist infrastructure or on-site tour
– Enhanced experience for users/visitors with disabilities (PWD)
The results of the project, which include unique, original cutting-edge technological achievements, will be presented at the Conference. The event is organized and coordinated by Dr. D. Iakovidis, Professor of the Department of Informatics with Applications in Biomedicine and Dr. N. Stribakos, Professor of the Department of Physiotherapy and participating bodies of the Region of Central Greece. It is open to the public, and is recommended to be attended by interested parties, including business and public organizations, as well as the academic community as a whole.
The project is implemented within the framework of the Action “RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE”, which is co-financed by national funds (through the EP Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation – EPANEK, NSRF 2014-2020) and by community funds (European Union, European Regional Development Fund) (project code MIS 504724).
The Conference will take place in a hybrid format (live and parallel livestreaming). For online participation in the Conference via Microsoft Teams, follow the link below:
Press here For the detailed presentation of the project, follow the link: