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Submission of applications for the Action “COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION FORMATIONS / GCC”

TheSpiritoGroup, with participations in actions of GSRT and EPANEK in the AYCYS of implementation of RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE (NSRF 2014-2020) and RDP 2014-2020, provides the services of a specialized consultant at the invitation of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION FORMATIONS / GCC ». in the context of the NSRF 2014-2020.
What are GCCs?
Innovation Clusters are defined as structures or organized groups of independent parties (such as innovative start-ups, small, medium-sized and large enterprises, as well as research and dissemination organizations, non-profit organizations and other relevant financial actors). designed to stimulate innovative activity by promoting, sharing facilities and sharing knowledge and expertise, effectively contributing to knowledge transfer, networking, information dissemination and collaboration between companies and other innovation cluster organizations.
Objective of the Action:
The strengthening of integrated structures of emerging and / or existing collaborative innovation formations for the development and utilization of innovative products of high added value with international recognition and a high degree of competitiveness.
- innovative technologies
- innovative production levels (process level)
- administrative / organizational innovation (system level), etc.
Επιλέξιμοι Θεματικοί Τομείς ΕΤΑΚ
– Agri-food
– Life Sciences & Health / Drugs
– Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)
– Energy
– Environment & Sustainable Development – Climate Change
– Transportation & Supply Chain (Logistics)
– Materials – Constructions
– Culture – Tourism – Cultural & Creative Industries
From the above sectors due to special characteristics of the sector and due to the significant effects on employment and society in general, the Agri-Food sector will be implemented with a distinct budget and conditions.
Application area
All of Greece
To whom it is addressed / Beneficiaries of the Action
- Public research / technological bodies
- Businesses
- Other Legal entities or legal entities in the private or public sector
Submission period
26/9/2019 – 29/11/2019
Electronic Submission
Funding Applications must be submitted through the State Aid Management Information System (PSAS), with the indication “Collaborative Innovation Formations / GCC”, making use of the Funding Application Form standardized in the PSKE.
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